No Blacks No Irish No dogs

Posted 7th march 2024

The 1950s were a dark period in Ireland. While the economy collapsed, the Catholic Church, at its peak of power, retained tight control over social life. Almost 500,000 Irish individuals left their homeland in search of a better life. At the same time many Asians from Pakistan and India were making Britain home. and what better way of welcoming them than to have them look at makeshift posters in windows of B&Bs welcoming them to the capital. How thoughtful of them! 

Yes, we can concur that we were living in ignorant times. The true "Anglo Saxons" residing in Britain may have been concerned about a brown invasion coming to sort out the economy for them, but why the Irish? Even stranger, what did the dogs do to them? The 1968 amendment to the 1965 Race Relations Act ended the practice of displaying posters in brothel-style establishments because it now prohibited racial discrimination in housing and employment. But the bitter taste of hatred remained and remains for the poor migrants who considered Britain their home. And them poor dogs, how could they?

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